
Blackberry Mouse

Colorful, fast and original. If you want to make this dessert more avant-garde, verticalize the serving by using narrow glasses. Serve as you may, it will always be packed with flavour.

Mousse de Amora 3
Mousse de Amora 2

Reap the blackberry benefits


400g of Beirabaga blackberries
120g of sugar
200ml of cream
Juice drops of 1 lemon
1 teaspoon of coconut oil
3 sheets of gelatine


1. Soak the gelatine sheets in cold water for 10m. Wash the blackberries and place them in a pan (save some for decor). Add coconut oil, lemon juice and sugar. Cook the mix until it almost disjoints and then grind with the blender.

2. Remove the blackberry preparation from the heat, add the gelatine, drain beforehand, and stir very well to dissolve. Let it rest, to cool down.

3. Whip the cream with whipped cream and mix them gently in the previous preparation (for the cream to be perfect, it’s best to be fresh before beating it). Plate and serve the mousse in individual bowls or in a single large bowl, as you prefer.